Our team member Jen Grove will be at the LGBT+ Archives, Libraries, Museums and Special Collections conference talking about the Transformations project.
HKW Berlin, GermanyThe full programme is here!
Oral History training and interviews
TBCWith Bon O'Hara of Gendered Intelligence, Professor Kate Fisher and Dr Ruth Pearce, we will be training you up to carry out interviews with older trans people about their life experiences. Contact us to get involved!
Oral History training and interviews
TBCWith Bon O'Hara of Gendered Intelligence, Professor Kate Fisher and Dr Ruth Pearce, we will be training you up to carry out interviews with older trans people about their life experiences. Contact us to get involved!
Oral History training and interviews
TBCWith Bon O'Hara of Gendered Intelligence, Professor Kate Fisher and Dr Ruth Pearce, we will be training you up to carry out interviews with older trans people about their life experiences. Contact us to get involved!
Script Development Workshops (for young trans and gender diverse people (16-25)
Watershed Watershed, Room Watershed 3, 1 Canon's Rd, BristolHelp shape a new performance on trans history and science! The Transformations project explores the history of gender and science with young trans and gender diverse people (aged 16-25). The project asks questions about medicine, identity, and authority through creative workshop. With your input, we are going to develop a creative showcase, including a new […]
New Performance on gender, history and science!
Our performance on history, gender and science due to tour the UK in Summer 2020 has been postponed due to Covid-19. We are planning some exciting digital events while we can't be together. We aim to host in-person events in 2021. This will include panel sessions with special speakers and accompanying workshops for young trans gender-diverse […]